Andrew Mason

Senior Design Engineer
Frontend Developer
UI Engineer

As a Senior Design Engineer, I excel at merging design and technology to build engaging web interfaces. My expertise in modern web technologies and design systems, coupled with a deep understanding of design principles, allows me to collaborate effectively with designers and engineers alike. With a proven track record of developing innovative design tools, such as award-winning Figma plugins, I help bridge the gap between design and technology. I thrive in multidisciplinary teams, leading projects and driving innovation within UI.

Skills and knowledge


  • JavaScript - ESNext
  • TypeScript
  • CSS - Sass
  • HTML5
  • Node.js - Deno
  • Bash - Shell

Tools & frameworks

  • React - Preact
  • Three.js - Pixi.js
  • Webpack
  • Esbuild
  • Git - Perforce
  • Coherent Gameface


  • VSCode
  • Chrome DevTools
  • Figma
  • Photoshop - Gimp
  • Illustrator - Inkscape
  • FFmpeg

Web development

  • UX responsive design
  • Performance analysis
  • Media Optimisations
  • WebGL
  • PWA
  • Accessibility - WAI
